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HP 35s Scientific Calculator
Back ordered until May 1. |
The HP 35s is Hewlett-Packard's top-of-the-line pocket scientific calculator, celebrating the 35th anniversary of the HP 35, the first pocket scientific calculator, which was introduced in 1972. It is the successor to the 33s and the famous 32SII, among others.
Over the 33s, the 35s adds enhanced complex number support, better programmability, EOS instead of AOS-style input in algebraic mode, and support for vectors, among other improvements. Essentially, it appears to take a 33s, give it a more traditional appearance, and add some of the most important features from the 15C and 42S.
The 35s is also the most powerful calculator approved for use on the NCEES exams.
Included Accessories
- Protective case
- Batteries
- Short printed quick start guide
Physical Characteristics
- 158 mm by 82 mm by 18.2 mm (6.2" by 3.2" by 0.72")
- 142 g (5.0 oz) with batteries
- Black metal faceplate with textured black back
- Hard plastic keys with traditional HP-style hinged action for fast and accurate typing
Technical Specifications
- Dot matrix LCD (5 by 7 pixel characters) with 2 lines of 14 characters
- 8502 processor
- 32 KB RAM (30 KB available to the user)
- Two CR2032 batteries, providing 250 hours of typical use
- Over 100 built-in functions
- 12 digits displayed with 3-digit exponent
- HP part number F2215A (Data Sheet)
Calculating Environments
- Traditional RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) with four-level stack
- EOS-style algebraic, supporting 13 pending operations
- Backspace and undo, plus cursor keys for editing
- Keystroke programming, comparable to the 33s and 32SII
- Over 800 registers
- Flags, tests, branching, and looping
- Alphabetic input
Probability and Statistics
- Σx, Σx2, Σy, Σy2, Σxy, n
- One and two variable statistics
- Linear regression
- Normal and inverse-normal distributions
- Grouped standard deviations
- Curve fitting (linear, logarithmic, exponential, and power, when using program listing from user's guide)
- Combinations, permutations, factorials, random number generation
- Decimal hours/degrees to hours/degrees-minutes-seconds conversions
- Rectangular and polar modes
- Simple unit conversions (temperature, weight, distance, length, and liquid volume)
- Base conversions including arithmetic and Boolean logic on 36-bit numbers (decimal, binary, hexadecimal, octal)
- 41 built-in physical constants plus pi
- Trigonometry, including hyperbolic and inverse sine, cosine and tangent, with degrees, radians, or grads
- Numeric integration
- 2D and 3D vectors, including absolute value, dot product, and angle between vectors
- Solving, including the traditional HP Solve
- Evaluation of equations
- Decimal functions, finding the integer and fractional parts, the floor, and rounding to a specified number of decimal places
- Fractions, including conversions between decimals and fractions
- Time value of money
- Complex numbers, with multiple options for display format (only one stack level used per complex number)
Standardized Exam Support
- AP Chemistry
- AP Physics
- SAT Reasoning Test
- SAT Subject Tests in Mathematics Level 1 and Level 2
- ACT Mathematics Test
- NCEES FE and PE Exams (approved for 2008 exams)
- Highly recommended for Texas UIL calculator competitions
HP Provided Documentation
- User's Guide, 382 pages, provided in printed form with some calculators and included in electronic form on CD with others
- Short quick-start guide, provided in printed form with other calculators
- Fifty-five Training Modules, totaling 263 pages, provided as a separate download
Warranty and Support
- 1 year limited warranty in the US, provided by HP America
- Toll-free technical support in the US, at 800-HP-INVENT (800-474-6836)
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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.